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Applied Learning and Internships

Internships provide students with options for supervised practical experience in a career field of interest. They give students opportunities to “learn by doing,” providing them with options for growth and to further explore their academic career interests through meaningful and applied work. Students who complete internships often have greater potential to have a full-time job offer after completing a site assignment or after they graduate.

Many students in SUNY Schenectady’s Division of Business and Professional Programs (BPP) have completed internships over the last five years with such companies as General Electric, Global Foundries, the Schenectady District Attorney’s Office, and the Walt Disney Corporation. Many more students have begun working for these and other employers since then.

Faculty in the Business and Professional Programs division play a key role by mentoring students while they complete their internship. They support students by helping them develop learning goals and a structured plan, and meeting with them regularly to monitor their progress at the internship site. Faculty also support their students by helping them navigate their way through a professional workplace by aiding them with academic and professional reflection to ensure a meaningful experience.

Students who want to complete internships for academic credit should consult with the SUNY Schenectady County Community College College Catalog for eligibility requirements specific to their academic program, as well as their faculty advisor for the most up-to-date information about internship availability. Students may learn more by contacting the BPP Dean’s Office, located in Elston Hall, Room 305.

Walt Disney Program

Disney and Schenectady County Community College have partnered to offer an outstanding opportunity for SUNY Schenectady students majoring in Business Administration. This cooperative learning experience, designed for SUNY Schenectady students who want to participate in a rigorous and rewarding work experience at the Walt Disney Corporation, has gained popularity among college students around the U.S. Qualified students can join other college students from across the county and around the world to participate in a paid cooperative work experience at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, or Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Interested students must consult with Professor Matthew Farron, Program Coordinator, in Elston Hall, Room 315, or e-mail Professor Farron at

Entrepreneurship Boot Camp:
An Applied Learning Experience

Thinking about starting your own business? Do you have an idea but are unsure about how to market it? SUNY Schenectady and the Capital Region Chamber of Commerce provide eligible students with opportunities to enroll in the Entrepreneur Boot Camp. Under the direction of Professor Matthew Farron and with support from capital region business professionals, students design their own small business plan and learn marketing strategies to build their business. Interested students must consult with Professor Farron in Elston Hall, Room 315, or e-mail by at

Experiential Learning:
Criminal Justice Students Explore New York City

Every year, Criminal Justice faculty travel to New York City with students from the Criminal Justice Club and visit a variety of city sites, including County Courts, City Hall, The Statue of Liberty, and the American Museum of Natural History. They have also made visits to the El Dorado Task force, an organization focused on fighting crime. Their tour also includes a visit to John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), a premier institutions for students who want to study criminal justice. SUNY Schenectady maintains a partnership with John Jay College, to which graduates of the Criminal Justice Program may continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree.