
"I Started at SUNY Schenectady!"
Nieem Crockett, Class of 2018, is now in medical school to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO).

SUNY Schenectady Takes The Lead in Training Future Air Traffic Controllers With New ATC Simulator
Simulator is the largest and most comprehensive at a community college east of the Mississippi River.

We Are Energized For This New Semester!
Students share what they're looking forward to during Spring 2025.

School of Music Dean Conducts Gilded Age Orchestra of Newport Honoring 100-Year Old Composer and Former U.S. Ambassador
Five questions with Dr. Christopher Brellochs.

New eSports Arena Opens!
High-tech area for eSports Team competitions and casual gaming with gaming stations, "shoutcasting" broadcast booth, and student lounge.

Connecting With Our Community: Sociology Students Visit Local Organizations
Bingo games, jewelry making, painting, and providing warm hats and gloves to local residents: all part of service learning projects.

Students Working on Campus Through New Empire State Service Corps
Students are working in the Food Pantry and co-hosting the College podcast through program that promotes paid civic and service opportunities,

Science Students Present Original Research During National STEM Day
Creating a lip balm that protects again bacteria; spotlighting spiders in Schenectady County; changes in the genome induced by ecological factors; antimicrobial effects of lavender oil on bacteria; and genetic factors that could result in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Just some of this year's research topics.

Congratulations Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Inductees
Students have all earned impressive GPAs of 3.7 GPA or higher. Outstanding!

Alumni and Students to Direct, Choreograph, and Perform in One-Act Opera
Performances of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" will take place on Friday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m. in the Taylor Auditorium. Admission is free.