
How One Conversation Changed Sonia Casella's Life (Class of '92)
Powered Up: Alumna's career in education began at SUNY Schenectady.

New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Campus
26 more charging stations will "future proof" campus.

Casola Dining Room and Pane e Dolci open for Fall Semester
From croissants, tarts, and cakes, to fall apple salad and Hudson Valley Duck breast with charred scallions, guests enjoy delicious cuisine prepared and served by student chefs.

Bringing Mobile Classrooms Directly to Students Through New $1 Million Workforce Grant
"SUNY Schenectady 2U" to train students in advanced manufacturing and healthcare.

New Learning Commons Quickly Becomes Heart of Campus
Begley Library, Swanker Learning Center, tutoring, quiet study spaces, group study rooms, EOP, Center for Excellence in Teaching, Joshua Schwartz Cafe. It's all here!

SGA Student Leaders Gear Up for Academic Year
Meet this year's officers and senators as they discuss their goals for the year.

$1.6 Million Grant from U.S. Department of Education to Increase College Access for High School Students
College to partner with Schenectady City School District on Institutional Resilience and Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity (IREPO) program.

Every Step of the Way - The Student Success Center Is Here for Students
Student Success Coaches provide individual guidance/resources.

NEWEST Episode of Many Voices, One Call Podcast: MUSIC!
Current and former School of Music faculty/alumni and Dr. Christopher Brellochs (Music Dean) discuss innovative approaches to teaching at a time of crisis and their vision for enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion

Dr. Moono Named Educator of the Year by Zambian Association Network of the United States
Recognition honors College President's commitment to mentorship and to serving others.