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Tips for Motivation and Persistence

Set Small, Achievable Goals

Setting goals that are specific, measurable, and timely can help you to stay on track and to persist during the most challenging times. Talk about your goals with like-minded people (i.e. friends, family, advisors, etc.). This will hold you accountable and help you to create a network of support.

Focus on the Journey, Not the Outcome

Constantly fixating on the outcome, on success or failure, can seriously impair motivation and you will miss out on the journey. There are a lot of victories, small and large, to be celebrated along the way! Additionally, don't be afraid to make mistakes along your journey. Mistakes and failures are lessons and provide opportunity for you to improve. Remember, perseverance comes from failing and getting back up.

Keep Positive and Supportive People in Your Life

Spending time with people who have a positive outlook on life can be inspiring! Try to avoid those who are generally negative because their outlook can rub off on you. Those that want to see you succeed will support you along the way and provide constructive criticism. Remember, there are plenty of people at SUNY Schenectady that want to see you succeed- connect with them!

Find Balance: Self-care, Personal Life, Work, and School

You are more than just a student. You play many roles in your life and how you spend your time should reflect that. It's important to stay on top of course work, but it's just as
important to carve out time for yourself. If you are finding it hard to create balance, it may be time to speak to a success coach. Remember, asking for help isn't giving up, it's refusing to give up!

Remember Your 'Why'

Your 'why' is your purpose. Interest is the beginning of your purpose. For most people, interest without purpose is almost impossible to sustain for a lifetime. Ask yourself, why are you in college? Why did you choose your program of study? How does this make an impact on more than just you? Reflect on your answers during times when you feel challenged or uninterested. Your answers may provide a spark of motivation!

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude helps you recognize who or what you have to be thankful for. It also reminds you of all the resources you have during stressful or challenging times. Practice gratitude by writing down everything you have to be thankful for at the end of each day. This small activity can motivate you to keep going.