Course Scheduling and Registration
Launch SSB9 for Students With SUNY Schenectady ID
Beginning March 3, 2025, College Scheduler will be replaced with Self Service Banner 9 (SSB9). Please reach out to your Academic Advisor if you have questions about registration.
Current Course Schedule for New Students Without SUNY Schenectady ID
Summer Session
- General registration is going on now
- Summer Sessions begin May 27 and July 7
- Learn more about Summer Session
Fall Semester
- General registration is going on now
- Fall Semester begins August 25
Tips for Creating a Semester Class Schedule
- Have “back-up” classes selected in case any of your first choices are closed, canceled or if you don’t have the prerequisites completed.
- Remember… For every credit hour you take, you can expect to have two additional hours
of work associated with that course every week. For example:
- 12 credits = 12 hours in class + 24 hours homework = 36 hours total;
- 6 credits = 6 hours in class + 12 hours homework = 18 hours total;
- Don’t overload your schedule – take 12 credits instead of 15 if you are questioning how much time you will have for coursework.
Register early – save seats in the classes you want.
- Be aware that courses are offered during the days, evenings, Saturdays, and online.
- When traveling between Main Campus and Center City, please allow yourself a half hour.
- Be prepared for more challenging academic work than you had in high school.
- Don’t register for early morning classes if you are not a morning person. The same applies for evening courses.
- Take courses in the correct sequence. Be sure to complete any pre-requisites (courses that prepare you for a higher level course) if applicable.
- Know the course requirements for your program of study and enroll in classes that meet those requirements. The information is available in the College Catalog and on your program's curriculum worksheet. See your academic advisor if you need help with choosing correct courses.
- If you’ve never taken an online course before, it’s not recommended until your second semester.
- Full-time study and full-time employment is never recommended.
- If transfer to a four-year institution is something you are considering, be sure to register for courses that will transfer to the institution you have in mind. If you aren’t sure about the institution, connect with your academic advisor soon.