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Summer 2025 Community Education Art Courses 

Intro to Watercolor Painting

June 4 – July 9
6-9 p.m.
CRN# 60180
CFP 155-51
Fee: $175

Students will learn watercolor techniques and material use basics while creating a still life, a portrait, and a landscape. Topics include color mixing, adding texture, shading, and more. Materials needed: watercolor paper, large brush, medium brush, small brush, pencil, eraser, sharpener, and the following paints: cool and warm yellow, cool and warm red, and warm and cool blue. Register for Intro to Watercolor Painting

New! Textured Embroidery

Tuesday and Thursday
June 24 and June 26
5:30-8 p.m.
CRN# 60388
CFP 195-51
Fee: $150

Learn how to embroider with texture during this two-night workshop. Students will create a sampler hoop filled with a variety of stitches that focus on building three dimensional forms and varied surface texture to bring your embroidery to life.  Materials fee paid to the instructor: $10. Register for Intro to Textured Embroidery 

Watercolor Painting Workshop

Monday, July 14
6-9 p.m.
CRN# 60355
CFP 178-51
Fee: $50

Learn basic watercolor skills while painting a portrait. Materials needed: watercolor paper, large brush, medium brush, small brush, pencil, eraser, sharpener, and the following paints: cool and warm yellow, cool and warm red, and warm and cool blue. Register for Watercolor Painting Workshop

Advanced Watercolor Painting

July 16 – August 20
6-9 p.m.
CRN# 60378
CFP 185-51
Fee: $175

This course is an expansion of the Beginning Watercolors course. It focuses on creating complex illustration compositions and water coloring them. Materials needed: watercolor paper, large brush, medium brush, small brush, pencil, eraser, sharpener, and the following paints: cool and warm yellow, cool and warm red, and warm and cool blue. Register for Advanced Watercolor Painting

New! Wet Felting

Tuesday and Thursday
July 15 and July 17
5:30-8 p.m.
CRN# 60389
CFP 196-51
Fee: $150

Learn the fundamentals of wet felting during this two night workshop. Students will learn how to create wet felted fabric from scratch, how to work with different types of wool and other fibers within the wet felting, and how to create simple three-dimensional forms. The course will cover everything students need to know to begin their wet felting journey. If you are familiar with wet felting, this course can give you time and space to work on a project with materials at your fingertips and hands on help.  Materials fee paid to the instructor: $15. Register for Wet Felting

Tapestry Weaving

Tuesday & Thursday
July 29 & July 31
5:30-8 p.m.
CRN# 60379
CFP 191-51
Fee: $150

Learn the art of tapestry weaving during this two-night workshop. Using a frame loom and a variety of yarns and fibers such as wool roving, silk, and wool locks, you will learn how to weave a variety of geometric and organic patterns and textures. The workshop will cover the basics of warping a frame loom and finishing off your weaving along with four different weaving techniques to bring your design to life. Materials fee paid to the instructor: $10. Register for Tapestry Weaving

New! Nature Photography

July 29 and August 5
6-8 p.m.
CRN# 60390
CFP 197-51
Fee: $95

Suitable for all levels of photographers with a variety of equipment, this course covers basic elements including light, composition, and focus, and how they apply to close-ups, landscapes, and wildlife photography. The course will discuss tools and techniques in the field, and simple editing, as well as sharing some of our favorite places to see and photograph nature within or close to the Capital Region. The course will take place in two sessions, spaced a week apart. During the intervening days students are encouraged to enjoy practicing the techniques discussed during the class session on whatever camera they have at hand. Students will be able to share their photos in class. Register for Nature Photography