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Personal Enrichment

Spring 2025 Community Education Personal Enrichment Courses

Ballroom Dance for Teens/Adults

Section #1:

February 5 – February 26
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10581
CFP 881-51
Fee: $60

Section #2:

March 5 – March 26
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10582
CFP 882-52
Fee: $60

Section #3:

April 2 – April 23
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10583
CFP 882-53
Fee: $60

This class will be located at Dreamlights Studio at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306.

Students, 16 years and older, will learn the basic steps, style and rhythm of Waltz, Rumba, swing, and foxtrot. No partner or experience necessary. Register for Ballroom Dance for Adults and Teens.

Latin Dance for Teens/Adults

Section #1:

February 5 – February 26
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10584
CFP 882-51
Fee: $60

Section #2:

March 5 – March 26
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10585
CFP 882-52
Fee: $60

Section #3:

April 2 – April 23
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10586
CFP 882-53
Fee: $60

This class will be located at Dreamlights Studio at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306.

Students, 16 years and older, will learn the basic steps, style and rhythm of Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, and Cha Cha. No partner or experience necessary. Register for Latin Dance for Adults and Teens.

Intro to Ballet and Modern Dance for Teens/Adults

Section #1:

February 4 – February 25
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10805
CFP 742-51
Fee: $60

Section #2:

March 4 – March 25
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10806
CFP 742-52
Fee: $60

Section #3:

April 1 – April 29
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10807
CFP 742-53
Fee: $60

This class will be located at the Dreamlights Studio located at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306.

Students will learn elements of classical ballet, classical modern dance (Horton, Lemon, Graham…) with a healthy dose of post-modern dance (generally a mix of theater and dance) and jazz. Please wear stretchy clothing, have long hair pulled up in a pony tail, and be prepared to dance in socks or bare foot. Register for Intro to Ballet and Modern Dance.

Getting Paid to Talk: Intro to Voice-Overs

Section #1:

Monday, April 28
6:30-9 p.m.
CRN# 10600
CFP 725-51
Fee: $35

Section #2:

Monday, June 2
6:30-9 p.m.
CRN# 10804
CFP 725-52
Fee: $35

This course will be held at Voice Coaches, 26 Vly Road, Colonie, NY, 12205.

From audio books, training material, animation, gaming, and commercials to socially relevant content, television, and more, today’s voice-over field has become a great way to leverage your individual interests, voice qualities, and communication skills in a whole new way. Learn about how the industry really works today, trends in opportunity in the community, and areas of future growth, and hear about the top traits casting professionals look for when hiring voice professionals. Students will also hear samples from working voice-over artists. Because this class is small, students will have the opportunity to record a sample professional voice-over under the direction of our instructor, who can offer feedback and advice. If you’ve ever wondered how to begin in voice-over part-time, full-time, or for supplemental or retirement income, this workshop is a great, upbeat, and realistic first step. Register for Getting Paid to Talk.

Aikido for Adults and Teens

April 3 – May 8
7-8:15 p.m.
CRN# 10604
CFP 800-51
Fee: $75

This course will be taught at the YWCA, 44 Washington Ave., Schenectady, NY 12305.

Students, ages 14 and older, will practice Hombu style Aikido, which strengthens the body, mind, and spirit. Aikido uses blending and redirecting techniques, Jujutsu joint locks and boxing elements that keep this martial art applicable for all individuals. Aikido promotes self-defense, flexibility, strength building and coordination. Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Register for Aikido for Adults and Teens.

Paranormal 101

April 3 – May 8
7:30-9:30 p.m.
CRN# 10602
CFP 747-51
Fee: $125

Join paranormal investigator Jack Kenna from TV’s “Paranormal Survivor,” “Haunted Case Files,” and “Haunted Hospitals” as he provides the steps necessary to build and grow a successful paranormal team and research/investigate haunted locations. Students will find out how to find and work with clients, examine the most common equipment used, how they work, when to use them, tips and techniques for optimizing their use to improve capturing quality evidence, and review evidence of actual paranormal activity. Students will receive a coursebook and will participate in an actual investigation on Saturday, April 26, at Shaker Heritage Society in Albany from 7-11 p.m. Register for Paranormal 101. 

New! Paranormal Research – Psychic Abilities

April 8 – June 10
7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
CRN# 10820
CFP 760-51
Fee: $150

This course goes in depth into connecting with your latent psychic abilities, enhance the abilities you already have, understand the different types of psychic abilities, identify what ability you may have, using these abilities to connect with spirit, assist with paranormal investigations, identify positive/negative energies. The course will also cover spiritual protection techniques and tools, spirit portals and how to detect and close them, the signs of spirit attachment, cleansing techniques, and tools. The course does require at least one hour of nightly study at home outside of class. All students will receive a cleansing kit. There will be an off-site investigation on Saturday, May 31, from 7-11 p.m. at Shaker Heritage Society in Albany. Register for Paranormal Research - Psychic Abilities.