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Important Paperwork

Certificate of Residence

Students registering for credit courses are required to document their county of residence. This documentation is to be submitted to the Student Business Office. For further information, visit the Student Business Office in Elston Hall, Welcome Center, or call 518-381-1346.


New York State Public Health Law (PHL-2165) requires proof of immunization against MMR for those students taking six or more credits on the SUNY Schenectady campus within a semester. The law applies to students born on or after January 1, 1957. The MMR proof of immunization must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office by the first day of class.

Students in the Early Childhood program are required to submit additional immunization information.

For further information about immunization requirements, visit the Student Affairs Office in Elston 222 or call 518-381-1344.

Campus Safety

The Director of Campus Safety's Office is located in Elston Hall, Room 314. Phone: 518-381-1445.

The Security Operations Center (SOC) is located in Elston Hall, Room 341.
Security can be reached at 518-381-1308; if calling from a campus phone, dial 5555.

  • Lost and Found - located in Elston Hall, Room 341.
  • Parking - Students, faculty, and staff who park their cars on campus are required to obtain and display in their car a parking hang tag. Hang tags can be obtained in Elston Hall, Room 341.
  • Incident Report Forms - can be obtained and submitted in Elston Hall, Room 341.

Tutoring and Academic Resources

Student Computers

Learning Commons
There are computers available for student use in the Begley Learning Commons. Hours can be found on the Library website.

Learning Center

Learning Commons, Room 116
The Learning Center offers: (1) academic assistance in reading and study skills, (2) walk-in tutoring in a limited number of subjects, (3) online tutoring for full- and part-time students, and (4) consultations on research papers and other written assignments. For further information, call 518-381-1249 or email

Programs with Eligibility Requirements

ADA Transition Services

Student Affairs Office, Elston Hall, Room 222

The ADA Transition Services Office works with students who have disabilities to document appropriate accommodations and to provide information about resources/services. For further information, call 518-381-1344 or 518-381-1345.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

Learning Commons, Room 104
EOP provides academic resources and modest financial aid to eligible students. Individuals must be full-time students who are attending college for the first time. For further information about the program and its eligibility criteria, call 518-381-1279.


Elston Hall, Room 328
TRIO provides resources and services to assist students in achieving college success. TRIO is a federal program aimed a serving low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities. For further information, call 518-381-1463 or visit the TRIO Office.

General Campus Resource Information


Elston Hall, Welcome Center
The Office of Admissions is the starting point for all new degree and certificate-seeking students. College applications are processed through this Office. For more information, call 518-381-1366 or email

Advisement Center

Stockade Building, Room 100
Advisors assist students in academic program planning, course scheduling, and adding/dropping/withdrawing from courses. They work with students to monitor academic progress and assist in navigating concerns about academic probation and readmission. They also provide information about transfer opportunities. For further information, call 518- 381-1277 or email


Elston Hall, Room 222
Athletics at SUNY Schenectady includes varsity teams in: bowling (men and women). For more information, call 518-381-1344.

Career Services

Stockade Building, Room 100
Career Services provides career and employment services. For further information, call 518-836-2807 or email To review internship, job, and volunteer opportunities, go to:

Computer Help Desk

The Computer Help Desk can be reached by phone at 518-381-1487; dial 1111 if calling from a campus phone. If you are having IT difficulties, a ticket describing the problem can be submitted by clicking on the IT Helpdesk, also found as a link at the bottom of the SUNY Schenectady homepage.

Financial Aid

Elston Hall, Welcome Center 
The Office of Financial Aid provides general financial aid advisement, assistance with financial aid and loan applications, tuition deferrals, and emergency loans. Online instructions for completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form can be found at

NOTE: (1) Financial aid is tied to class attendance. Missing classes puts you at risk of failing classes and losing financial aid. (2) Check with the Financial Aid office prior to withdrawing from any classes to ensure financial aid eligibility is not negatively impacted. For further information, visit the Financial Aid office, call 518-381-1468, or email

Food Pantry

Elston Hall, Room 220E
The Food Pantry is open to currently registered students. Bring Student ID for access.


Lockers are available to rent. Please go to the Student Affairs Office (Elston 222) for further information.


Elston Hall, Room 212
The Registrar's Office handles transcripts, registration (adds/drops/withdrawals), enrollment verification, transcript evaluation, and cross registration. For further information, call 518 381-1348 or email questions to

Student Activities

Elston Hall, Room 223
Oversees Student Government Association, Student Activities Board, and student clubs. 

Student Business Office

Elston Hall, Welcome Center
The Student Business Office processes payment for student tuition, fees, parking fines and transcript requests. The Certificate of Residence form is also to be submitted to the Student Business Office. Completion of this form is required for all students registering for credit courses at the College in order to verify in-state tuition.

Testing Center

Elston Hall, Room 427
The Testing Center provides proctoring for: (1) make-up tests when arranged by professor, (2) tests administered with accommodations for students registered with ADA Transition Services, and (3) college placement tests. For further information about procedures, call 518-381-1293 or email

Title IX Office

Elston Hall, Welcome Center
The Title IX Coordinator manages the College’s response to reports of sexual discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and retaliation. To report a complaint or get more information, call 518-381-1463 or

Veterans Resources

Veterans Certifying Official, Anna Westerman—Stockade Building, Room 100 (AACT Center).
Phone: 518-381-1200, x 1185. Processes Federal VA educational benefits. Paperwork must be submitted each semester that VA benefits are used.

Wellness Counseling

Elston Hall, Room 222B
The College does not have individuals on staff who provide long-term personal therapy. However, a staff member is available for wellness counseling where students can discuss some of the stresses that they face. For appointments or additional information, call 518-381-1344.

Work Spaces/Quiet Spaces

Learning Commons

Begley Building
Holds a collection of books and other materials that support the College’s academic programs. Librarians offer assistance in using online databases and finding articles/books when researching topics of study. For more information, call 518-381-1235.

Fifth Floor Lounge

Near Elston Hall, Room 523
A space to study, read, and relax.

Music Lounge

Music Building, Ground Floor
A quiet place to sit, relax, read, or study.

Student Affairs Study Space

Elston Hall, 2nd Floor, directly outside Elston 222
A place to sit around a table to study, read, or simply relax.

Wellness Lounge

Elston Hall, 4th Floor (near Room 423)
A quiet space to sit, relax, meditate, read, or quietly do homework.

Places To Eat On Campus

Royals Dining Center (Cafeteria)

Elston Hall, Ground Floor

Schwartz Café

Learning Commons, Ground Floor

Casola Dining Room

Elston Hall, Culinary Wing, First Floor
Food in the Casola Dining Room is prepared and served by students in the College’s culinary program. Reservations are required. 

Stores On Campus

College Store

Elston Hall, First Floor (above the cafeteria)
Can purchase books and other items in the store and online. Has a variety of items, including food, first aid, some small electronics, etc. The College Store is the location to get Student Identification Cards. Visit the College Store website or call 518-377-1606 for more information.

Community Collaborations

Child Care

  • YWCA Children’s Center, Gateway Building
    An on-campus Child Care Center operated by the YWCA; available for children of students, faculty and staff. Open to children between six weeks and five years of age. Space is limited. For more information, call 518-381-1375.
  • Integrated Laboratory Preschool, Gateway Building

    The Integrated Laboratory Preschool enrolls children ages 3 to 4 years. For enrollment information, please contact Schenectady Day Nursery at 518-374-6319, or contact the Integrated Lab Preschool directly at 518-381-1295 and ask for Justina.


SUNY Schenectady students who have a valid Student Identification Card and are enrolled in credit-bearing classes are eligible to ride all CDTA buses without paying an additional fee. The SUNY Schenectady Student Identification Card is to be swiped on the bus upon boarding. The ID Card is not transferable to other people. Please note that there is a fee to replace a lost Identification Card.

YMCA Membership

All students who have paid the Student Activity Fee and have a valid SUNY Schenectady Student ID card have the benefit of membership in the Schenectady YMCA. The YMCA is located at 433 State Street in Center City, across from Proctors.