You Can Succeed in College. EOP can Help
For more than 50 years, the State University of New York's Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has helped promising students overcome financial and academic barriers to attend a SUNY college, earn a degree, and achieve their life goals.
It is our hope that by being a part of the SUNY Schenectady community and EOP family, you will be encouraged to pursue your own unique goals and dreams. We welcome you and we are here to support your success.
Complete the Free EOP Application Online OR
Download the Paper Application for EOP
My name is Michael Henderson, and I am the Director of the Educational Opportunity
Program (EOP). I invite you to participate in the EOP program with other students
who have similar values and likes, and a support staff who truly care about you and
what is important in your life. Come explore your talents and the passions that inspire
you. EOP offers many services to strengthen your skills and ensure your success throughout
your academic career at SUNY Schenectady!