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Summer Session

Woman, holding a coffee cup, sitting at a desk in a home, computer and notebook in front of her.

Summer 2025 at SUNY Schenectady

At $207 per credit (NY State resident), our summer courses offer significant savings in comparison to the same courses offered at four-year colleges and universities. Whether you are looking for an affordable education option or fast-tracking to an earlier graduation date, SUNY Schenectady has what you need.

SUNY Schenectady offers three summer sessions:

  • Session I: 8-weeks, May 27-July 18, 2025
  • Session II: 5-weeks, May 27-June 27, 2025
  • Session III: 5-weeks, July 7-August 8, 2025

How to Register for Summer Session

General registration is going on now.

Current Students

  1. Consult with your Academic Advisor.
  2. Select and register for your course using Self Service Banner9.
  3. If you're not enrolled in a program, but have taken a class at SUNY Schenectady at any time in the past year, you may register online; you do not need a PIN.

Students from other Colleges/Universities

Get Help Registering for Summer

Contact the Registrar's Office at 518-381-1348 or for help selecting and registering for your course(s). Or, click the "Get Help Registering For Summer" button above, fill out the form, and someone from the College will reach out to you to help you through the process.

  1. Select the course you would like.
    1. On the first screen under "Search by Term," select "Summer 2025" and hit the "Submit" button
    2. On the second screen select any qualifiers (subject, day of the week, etc.)
    3. Hit the "Class Search" button at the bottom of the page to view all the Summer Session courses
  2. Download and complete the Registration Form.
  3. E-mail the Registrar your completed Registration Form.

Important Info for Visiting Students

    • Certificate of Residence
    • Transcript Information - if you are a visiting student from another college and would like to transfer your SUNY Schenectady credit, you will need to request an official transcript be sent at the completion of the summer session. Always check with your home institution for transferability of the course(s) you are taking.
    • Immunizations - if you are taking on campus courses, you will need to provide proof of immunization.
    • Tuition and Fees

New Students (looking to enroll in program)

Please call the Office of Admissions at 518-381-1366 or e-mail or apply here.