Congratulations to the Students Named to the Fall 2020 President's and Dean's Lists

We commend all of our students for persevering through the challenges of the Fall 2020 semester. We applaud your commitment to your education! Great work!
We are proud to congratulate those students who earned Academic Honors for the Fall 2020 Semester.
A full-time student's name is placed on the President's List for each term in which the student has earned a G.P.A. of 3.70 or higher while completing at least 12 credit hours for that term. Part-time students completing six credit hours in a term and having accumulated 12 credit hours are also eligible.
A full-time student's name is placed on the Dean's List for each term in which the
student has earned a G.P.A. of 3.20-3.70 while completing at least 12 credit hours
for that term. Part-time students completing six credit hours in a term and having
accumulated 12 credit hours are also eligible.