Celebrate Black History Month

SUNY Schenectady invites you to celebrate Black History Month with events and programs throughout the month of February.
Patriotism & Our Shared History presented by Dr. Cheryl Renee Gooch, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 11:45 AM, Stockade Building 101
Dr. Gooch will draw from her newest book, Hinsonville’s Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Penn. & discuss the lives of men from this free Black community who served in the war to
end slavery & their families’ efforts to ensure that they are remembered for their
role in reunifying our country. Students can enter a free raffle to win a signed copy
of the book. Dr. Gooch holds her Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Florida State University,
an M.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University, and a B.A. in Political Science
from Howard University. She is the author of numerous articles and two books.
Free/open to the public. Sponsored by the Community and Cultural Events Committee.

Jermaine Wells: History of Hip Hop
Friday, February 18, 3 p.m., Stockade Building, Room 102
Jermaine Wells is an actor, DJ and a member of the award-winning The Ill Funk Ensemble. Ill Funk has worked with legends including Quincy Jones, Naughty by Nature and Mr.
Cheeks of the Lost Boyz. Jermaine currently plays Officer Max Axel on the series “The
Good Cop” which airs on Sundays on NTD, a New York City-based network (available for streaming).
During this program, he will give an interactive presentation on the history of hip
hop and discuss the importance/impact of hip hop on the Black community throughout
Free/open to the public. Sponsored by the School of Music, SGA and Community and Cultural
Black Vote(r)s Matter
Monday, February 21, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Stockade Building, Room 101.
Panelists will discuss the importance of voting and political engagement and put the
historical struggle for Black voting rights in the context of current threats to equal
rights and voting access.
Panelists include:
Justin Chaires, Educator, Vice President, Schenectady NAACP, Congressional Candidate-20th District
Randolph McGough, Retired Local and State Government Official, Black History Scholar
Damonni Farley, Schenectady City Council, Educator, DE&I Consultant
Ashley Dunbar, JD/MBA, Attorney, Schenectady County Attorney's Office
Rev. Nicole Harris, President, Schenectady NAACP
Carl Williams, Schenectady City Council
Shawn Young, Co-Founder, All of Us
Moderator: Amira T. Stevens-Salih, Student, Division of Business, Criminal Justice,
and Law,
Free/open to the public. This panel is developed in collaboration with the Criminal
Justice Student Club, the Student Mentoring Program, the Begley Learning Commons,
and the SUNY Schenectady Chief Diversity Office.
Black N Black: Watch and Discuss with the Author, Zadi Zokou
Thursday, February 24, 12:30 p.m., Stockade Building, Room 101
Black N Black provides an in-depth look at the division between African immigrants and African
Americans in the United States, highlighting the lack of solidarity in these communities
created through complicated social and historical issues. Filmed in the U.S., Ghana,
and Ivory Coast, the documentary presents compelling facts and thoughtful opinions
intended to spark discussion and learn about each other as a means of building strong
and authentic relationships. After viewing the documentary, Zadi will answer questions
and talk about his experiences.
Zadi Zokou moved to U.S. in 2005 from Cote d’Ivoire, where he was a writer for educational
television and screenwriter. When he moved to the U.S., Zadi completed coursework
at Mass College of Art in documentary film work and produced three short documentaries.
Since then he has produced additional feature length documentaries including a documentary
on introducing American Elementary School Students to Africa.
Free/open to the public. Sponsored by the SGA.
Black History Month: Express Yourself Contest
Tuesday, February 1 - Friday, February 21 (Winner Announced February 24)
Using the inspiration of African American health and wellness, students are invited
to submit an essay, a story, a piece of art, music, video, poetry, or any other form
of expression.
The winner will win a $50 gift card to the College Store.
Submissions: sga@sunysccc.edu
Sponsored by the SGA.
Black History Month Reading List
Available in Begley Learning Commons and Online Throughout February.
Enjoy a selection of books (and eBooks) selected by our librarians to celebrate Black
History Month. These books will celebrate Black authors and important themes.
Black Wellness Campaign
Throughout the month we will be celebrating Black History Month by educating, sharing, and promoting topics on Black Health and Wellness. Events will include Wellness Wednesdays, where we will celebrate Black leaders in healthcare, and Black History Health Awareness posts educating our community on health issues faced by the Black community today. For more information, please check our social media pages and campus TVs. Sponsored by the Student Activities Board.
Many Voices, One Call SUNY Schenectady Podcast
During the month of February, listen as Dr. Babette Faehmel and members of the campus community discuss topics focusing on the theme of Black History Month and Black Health and Wellness. Check our website and social media for release dates.