Walk-In Tutoring In Learning Center Is Popular Resource for Students

Sharon Rice, Professional Math Tutor, meets with Aminata Kaba, a Health Studies major.
Professional tutors have been meeting with students since the first day of classes, providing assistance in a variety of subject areas including Math, Science, Music, and Business. Students taking courses on campus and online are able to meet with tutors on a walk-in basis. They simply sign into the Learning Center, located in the Learning Commons, and are able to meet with any tutor throughout the semester. Online tutoring is also available via Brainfuse, with tutors often available 24/7.
Paul Rogers, Professional Math Tutor, with Sulaimon, Jack McDaniel, and Paula Murillo-Nunez, Aviation Science majors.
Paula Murillo-Nunez, an Aviation Science major, was recently in the Learning Center meeting with a tutor for her Physics class. A graduate of Colonie Central High School, she is in her first semester at the College. “It has been a little while since I last had Physics work, so I’m coming here to refresh my memory to get better at it,” she said. “The fact that it’s walk-in tutoring where you just sign in and it’s free is what I like most about it.”
On this day, her tutor was Paul Rogers, who was a high school Science teacher for 33 years and then a high school administrator. He has been tutoring at the College since 2010. He was “flunking retirement” he shared with a laugh, so he decided to go back to school and earn another degree, this time it was his master’s degree in Statistics from Rochester Institute of Technology. He tutors students primarily in Math courses including Statistics, College Algebra, and Calculus. “I love the environment here and the students are really nice,” he said. “The atmosphere is very caring and that resonates with me. My job is not just about answers. It’s showing students how to do it, how to get to the answers.”
Jack McDaniel, a graduate of Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School, is also in his first semester as an Aviation Science major. He was in the Physics tutoring session as well. “I’m seeking outside practice with Physics to keep my mind occupied with school for as long as I can,” he said. “As an Aviation major, Physics is something you have to understand. I need to know about the motion of what I do, especially when you have other people’s lives in your own hands. You have to reach for excellence.”
Academic Services/Learning Center Tutoring
Fall Semester Hours
In-person Tutoring
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.- 7 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Online tutoring is available by logging into Brainfuse.