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The Rise Gallery Presents "Hidden Talents"

Hidden Talents Artists Group Photo


Photographers, painters, fiber artists, illustrators, and jewelry designers. What do they all have in common? They are all members of the College's faculty and staff whose work is featured in The Rise Gallery as part of the inaugural Hidden Talents Art Exhibit through March 21. A special Artists Reception will take place on Thursday, March 6, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. The Rise Gallery is located in the SUNY Schenectady Center for the Arts, 13 State Street, across from campus. 

Artwork on wall of Rise Gallery

Jewelry on table, exhibit in background

Overhead view of The Rise Gallery with artwork on walls

While the College has exhibiting Art Faculty, less is known about the artistic talents that exist amongst our own faculty and staff colleagues across the campus community. There are artists and makers of every kind in just about every department on campus!

"Many people strive to express their aspirations, dreams, observations, and innermost thoughts through the creative arts, whether or not it becomes their career," said Stephen J. Tyson, Art Gallery Director/Curator and Fine Arts Faculty Member. "And it is that deep striving that makes each of us, as artists, a piece of humanity that connects us all. Each work of art in the exhibit is a hidden treasure, and it is our hope that as you explore the essence of each gem in this exhibit, that you discover deep within your own creative spirit and unique hidden talents!"

Participating Artists:

Brennan Austin Peters (Academic Advisor), Photography

Sarah Boink smiling
Sarah Boink
(Senior Stewardship Officer), Tapestry

Caroline Buff smiling
Caroline Buff
(Librarian), Painting

Eric Fluty smiling
Eric Fluty
(Associate Vice President of Campus Safety/Peace Officer), Illustration

Lawrence Hazel Mullen smiling outside, mountains in the background
Lawrence L. Hazel-Mullen
(Adjunct Faculty Member, Liberal Arts), Photography  

Dr. Laurie L. Lacey (Professor, Math, Science, Technology and Health), Painting

Alyson Montione smiing
Alyson Montione
(Adjunct Faculty Member, Liberal Arts), Painting

Stephen Piorkowski, smiling, wearing hat
Stephen Piorkowski
(Educational Aide), Painting 

Rosa Rivera, smiling
Rosa E. Rivera
(Adjunct Faculty Member, Liberal Arts), Illustration

Dr. Sine Rofofsky (Reference Librarian), Fiber Art

Chantie Rony smiling
 Chantie Rony
(Adjunct Faculty Member, Liberal Arts), Painting

Dr. Hope Sasway smiling
 Dr. Hope Sasway
(Dean, Math, Science, Technology and Health), Illustration

Todd Schworm smiling
 Todd Schworm
(College Store Manager), Photography

Tanya Scime smiling
Tanya Scime
(Director of Human Resources), Mixed Media/Painting 

Headshot of Stephen Tyson wearing cap
Stephen J. Tyson
(Director and Curator of The Rise Gallery/Adjunct Faculty Member, Liberal Arts), Painter/Illustrator/Photographer

Sarah Wilson-Sparrow, smiling, sunlight in the background
Sarah Wilson-Sparrow,
Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Education, Wood & Sparrow Custom Jewelry Design

Tom Yawn (Utility Worker), Illustration

Gallery Hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Fridays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.


Saturdays, 12:30-4:30 p.m.