More than 200 Mohonasen High School Seniors Admitted to SUNY Schenectady

More than 200 Mohonasen High School seniors were admitted to SUNY Schenectady this week during a special Instant Admit Program at the high school. This is the first time Mohonasen has partnered with SUNY Schenectady for an Instant Admit Day. SUNY Schenectady officials met students and welcomed them into the SUNY Schenectady community during a celebratory assembly at the high school.
“We are delighted to offer this Instant Admit program to seniors at Mohonasen High School and have Mohonasen students join the SUNY Schenectady family,” said Dr. Steady Moono, President of SUNY Schenectady. “Students at Mohonasen are already gaining the advantage of earning college credits through our College in the High School program. Through today’s Instant Admit event, they can join the SUNY Schenectady community now to start on their path in higher education to achieve their goals.”
"This is all about opportunities for you, our seniors," Superintendent of Schools Shannon Shine told students in attendance at the event. "Some of you are already planning to extend your education past high school. If that is you, then you are in good hands with SUNY Schenectady. The tuition is affordable, classes are local, and the academic offerings are broad and deep."
"We are all about preparing our students for what comes next, so this is a perfect fit for us," said Mohonasen High School Principal Craig Chandler. "Even if our seniors don't know exactly what will come next, they will know they have a very good option with SUNY Schenectady. We are thankful to SUNY Schenectady for this opportunity and value our partnership."