SUNY Schenectady will hold its 52nd Commencement during an outdoor ceremony on Friday, May 20, at 10 a.m. in the School of Music Parking Lot. Approximately 402 graduates have been invited to participate in this year’s Commencement ceremony. Congratulations Class of 2022!
Meet Members of the Class of 2022!
Among this year's graduates are Student Government Association (SGA) officers Dravid Seecharran, Student Trustee; Lavare Beeks, Senior Senator; Mikayla Schoonmaker, President; and Lavinia M. Vosburgh, Senior Senator.
For the past two years, Dravid has served as the College’s Student Trustee. A Marine Corps Reservist since August 2018, he plans to transfer this fall to the University at Albany to pursue his bachelor’s degree with the career goal of reenlisting in the Marine Corps as an officer.
“SUNY Schenectady gave me the opportunities of a private college at public tuition rates,” he said. “The administrators, professors, and advisors were very supportive and always ready to answer questions whether it was in person or online during the pandemic.”
Mikayla served as President of the Student Government Association this semester after serving as Vice President and a Student Senator. A member of the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program/The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation and Secretary of the College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Mikayla plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with the career goal of research and development as a pharmacist.
“I’m super excited to graduate and to be able to celebrate with my family and loved ones. It was a bit of a struggle in the beginning, but I made it through as did my fellow graduates! I’m so incredibly proud of how far everyone has come and how much we accomplished through this period of uncertainty. As a first-generation graduate myself, it makes this journey all the more special. Congratulations everyone!”
In addition to serving as a Senior Senator, Lavare was President of the Criminal Justice Club and invited law enforcement professionals, attorneys, and Criminal Justice faculty to speak with students during club meetings. He plans to transfer to the University at Albany to pursue his bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
"It has been a joy being here at SUNY Schenectady, learning in small classes. I've enjoyed being part of the leadership team with the Student Government and with the Criminal Justice Department."
Lavinia was a Senior Senator this year, as well as a Member of Phi Theta Kappa, the Garden Club, and CSTEP. She plans to pursue her bachelor's degree in Biology and then continue on to veterinary college.
"I have enjoyed working with the amazing faculty and students who make this college what it is. I want to say congratulations to all of my fellow 2022 graduates. I know it hasn't been easy this past year, but I'm so proud of the progress that's been made and everything that's been accomplished this semester."
Elizabeth already holds a degree in Business Administration from SUNY Schenectady. She decided to return to the College to follow her dream of a career in music. This semester she interned with the Music Company Orchestra and performed with the Chorus.
"I'm very happy with the foundation and the guidance that the College has provided as I pursue my future in the music industry."
Traci recently returned from the Kentucky Derby where she interned at Churchill Downs. A member of the American Culinary Federation, she plans to open her own catering business and pursue her bachelor's degree to become a Certified Executive Chef.
"The professors and staff at SUNY Schenectady don’t just teach, they inspire!"
Grace was President of the International/English Language Learners Club and Secretary of the ALANA Club. She plans to transfer for her bachelor's degree in Film Production this fall.
A saxophonist, Charlie performed as a member of the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo. He plans to transfer to the University of Tampa for his bachelor's degree in Music, followed by his master's degree, with the goal of becoming a music educator and performer.
"I'd like to thank the School of Music for everything I have learned thus far and
I'm excited for everything that is to come in the future."